There is Love | Teen Ink

There is Love

April 8, 2010
By Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
Bettina Nunez GOLD, Carlsbad, California
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

There’s love.
the one feeling that’s indescribable.
The touch of a persons hand and the feeling of their hair.
can send sparks,
sparks that give the emotions a high.

When we talked,
I had no idea what would com from it.
Mostly just playful banter,
that turned into the greatest discovery.
I found a friend,
more than that,
a best friend.

Sometimes love comes around
and I’ve learned not to let go.
Through all the difficulties and challenges
one must learn to fight.
And I always fight for what I love.
In fact its hard to find somebody to love who
reminds you to want it all.
All at once,
and never let go
for they have become the love of your life.

That’s how I feel,
when I’m with you.
My heart races, my head spins
my blood pulses, and I might even faint.
That’s what you do to me.
you are too good for me,
don’t believe it but I do.

Sweet words and whispers
that drive me crazy
and unable to sleep at night.
I wish that my heart would turn off,
to get some sleep.
But obviously that’s proof
that I have fallen
head- over- heels in love
with you. And just you.

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