The Love of Self | Teen Ink

The Love of Self

April 19, 2010
By Monica Grabijas BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
Monica Grabijas BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will draw suns as your shadow.
Opalescent dusks
for your night

stained fingers, acquiesced
shade, bowed

With me
mirrored creeks
will sleep in your eyes

and plumped jaw
like cotton clouds
over water,

your father’s guiding
hand on ours when
the moon slept

sound. It was a sleeping to
gone you knew so

instead of child born
from proud womb,
you early woman tied to

memories by silk
I cut
In our palms.

They bleed like
ribbons woven
through the hair

of another time,
A will
I lose for ours.

But now I etch skin,
inscribe parchment
from your tongue

for the day your blood
softens to words like

Or tears, your fallen
rain I drink,
for with me you love.

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