what is our worth | Teen Ink

what is our worth

December 16, 2010
By BabyV GOLD, Jachksoville, Florida
BabyV GOLD, Jachksoville, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
A really good poet write so that the reader can walk in their shoes just for that one minute. Victoria Jones

How do we measure worth?
The footsteps leading to our lives
The cobble stone path made smooth
When do we get there?
The dark and the light combine
Where do we start?
Do we start with our worth?
Are we just climbing stairs to nowhere?
Where do they lead?
Money, success, power
Who are we?
And why are we here
The question is really
What are we worth?
We are more than the clothes on our back
The way we talk and walk
We search on a spiraling dizzying path
To look and find who we are from people
Is there something we are missing?
Why do we feel so lost?
And how do we find what we are looking for
We search for identity
Because we think we lost who we are
Is it that
Or is it that we lost our worth
This earth spins
And we never spin with it
We go in the opposite direction
Until we are tired
And we lose something more precious and rare
A gleam in a child eyes when they smile
Looking out in the clouds to see our animal friends
Wishing upon a star believing anything is possible
We forget how simple it all could’ve been
As the past fades like a summer breeze
The question is still who are we and why are we here
We lost something so much more important and sacred
We should really ask
What is our worth?

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