Searching | Teen Ink


January 19, 2011
By AngRiv9990 SILVER, Novi, Michigan
AngRiv9990 SILVER, Novi, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"Because she is the only one strong enough to tie me down to this world.\" -StruckUponAStar

I have searched.

Long and far I have searched.

On rooftops and endless roads,
While there is loyalty and freedom,
By working week after week,
I have searched.

Against impossible odds,
Through long nights and grueling days,
Under cold water and strict rule,
I have searched.

In the swish of many birds' wings,
Between tightly clasped hands,
Past mountains and valleys,
I have searched.

And I have found.

The author's comments:
I sat outside in the winter almost a year ago and wrote down what inspired me. Months later, that list became this poem.

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