Thank you | Teen Ink

Thank you

February 13, 2011
By volleybelle SILVER, St Louis, Missouri
volleybelle SILVER, St Louis, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and somedays you are the statue". -Dilbert

Thank you to everyone who
has been a part in my life.
Whether you made me happy,
sad, mad, or even confused.

Thank you to those who
made me laugh.
When ever I was down
you brought me up.

Thank you to those who
lent an ear.
When I needed someone,
anyone to listen,
you did.

Thank you to my friends
those who had the strength
to tolerate my bad jokes,
and spastic ways.

Most of all, I thank the people
who weren’t always so nice.
You didn’t kill me,
so I guess you made me stronger.
You taught the most of everyone.
The most important lesson,
forgive, and be forgiven.

To every person
who was in my life if only for a fleeting moment,
I thank you.

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