Savior | Teen Ink


July 6, 2011
By LostinMusic SILVER, Los Lunas, New Mexico
LostinMusic SILVER, Los Lunas, New Mexico
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Every end always has a new beginning...<br /> Imagination always wins...

When you walk into the room I see the light radiant off of you. When you smile I see hope with a million stars, but what I see is not what I know. I step into your arms and I feel the cold. I feel as if I have been swallowed whole in darkness. You start to change saying things more meaningful and serious. You tell me things are going to change. That its all up to us to hold on to each other. You hold me in your arms and I feel motionless. I feel the cold closing in on us. We try to push it away with are power of hope, but you are to weak. I see it fading each second and minute. The cold comes closer and I tell you I am sacred. You tell me I am your savior. Then one night of holding on you are taken away from me by the shadows of the cold. If I am your savior like you say then tell me have I done wrong or right to make you warm again?

The author's comments:
This piece I wrote when someone close to me had passed away...

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This article has 1 comment.

bawf said...
on Jul. 10 2011 at 10:48 pm
Lost in music expresses  strong feelings about an emotional subject. I liked it alot!