Whats a bff???? | Teen Ink

Whats a bff????

July 24, 2011
By loveley17 SILVER, Hemet, California
loveley17 SILVER, Hemet, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My fav. Quote is sooo chezzy!<br /> &quot;I perfer Brunetts&quot; -Edward Cullen Eclipse<br /> I like this quote because its one day i&#039;d like to hear the same thing.. (But only blonde.. Cuz im blonde:) )

Whats a best friend?
Someone who shares or agrees with you? Someone who gives you stuff? A best friend in my book is someone who is always there for you. That one person that will come and see you in the hospital.. or most likely the one who put you there. A best friend is someone who would lie for you. But would never lie to you. A best friend not only could make your day 100000 times better,but can never make your day 1000000 times worse. You can say you hate them. But that lasts about 15 minints. A best friend is someone who will tell never tell on you for something stupid. but would tell on you for something truely life threating. What goes around comes around. So tell your bff there awesome. Tell em' thanks. Because, a best friend.. Is truely the best!

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