Before School Starts | Teen Ink

Before School Starts

November 28, 2011
By Salvador_Dollee GOLD, Detroit, Michigan
Salvador_Dollee GOLD, Detroit, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
An artist must be free to choose what he does, certainly, but he must also never be afraid to do what he might choose. -Langston Hughes

I walk the halls
to get to my home the time being.

I walk the halls through the so called security I'm not really secure about.

I walk the halls to get some kind of lesson they put in front of me.

I walk the halls through screaming girls, fighting boys, and controlling teachers with an attitude.

I walk through the halls for last few months of the year and a few months from the new year.

I walk through the halls thinking of my problems. And how I can solve them.

I walk the halls listing my companions for the next four years.

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