Impact | Teen Ink


January 13, 2012
By Terry Tsai SILVER, Milpitas, California
Terry Tsai SILVER, Milpitas, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was fly like a G6 until the day I met her
She struck me down to the ground, I cratored
My once steel shield now tissue paper
Turned to vapor by a force even greater
than the combined BANG of a thousand supernovas
At the same time gentle, tickling my fancy

But I banned me from falling in love, or so I thought
Didn’t stop me from falling to pieces, guess not

And in each piece of me blown, drifted, or carried away
In disarray, I see her in all things beauteous & proud
From the quaking earth to the cumulus clouds
She’s the frosted blanket shimmering in dawn’s glow
She’s buried treasure in the oceans below

I can only strive to be the force that is she
Trying to measure up to be at least one supernova

But there’s no me in her heart, not even an iota

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