Dear God | Teen Ink

Dear God

February 14, 2013
By emides10 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
emides10 BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear God,
I’m scared.
Dear God, I feel afraid.
Lord, what if they find out. I’ve been hiding this for so long.
Every time I think of what would happen if they found out
my heart starts pounding.
My knees shake and I start to feel sweat dripping down the back of my neck.
I start to feel the ground collapse
and my whole life crashing down into a pit of shame.

Dear God, help me.
Give me strength.
Fill me with your everlasting love.
Help me not to be afraid.
Give me courage, like your son Jesus
who gave his life for my sins
while leaving his pure, everlasting red on the cross.
Lord, they’re going to find out.
They will see me for who I really am.
What will they say?
I don’t want to find out.
Satan taunts me every day, and I can’t take it.
I’m so scared.

God, here they come.
I have to tell them.
It’s the only way.
Oh Lord, give me courage to do this.
After I tell them, everything will change.
Nothing will ever be normal again.
It’s a risk,
but I’ll do whatever it takes to please you, Lord.
Here they are, there’s no turning back.
God, give me words to explain.
To tell them that I am sorry.

Here they are.
Lord, help me.

The author's comments:
Written at a hopless time in my life.

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