On My Own | Teen Ink

On My Own

February 15, 2013
By AudyBoo SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
AudyBoo SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I've been brought down to my knees. And I've pushed way past the point of breaking. But I can take it. I'll be back. Back on my feet. This is far from over. I am far from over. You haven't seen the last of me. You haven't seen the last of me"

Sorrow visits me on a cold, winter night
When snow falls down from the sky
Sadness trails on a harsh, rainy day
When the Earth along with me starts to cry

I weep my tears and wipe my eyes
I know I'm supposed to be strong
But I feel there's something wrong...
In my heart

I now know it's sorrow
But where is it springing from?
My heart, I suppose
But from where do the memories come?

Sorrow is what it is
My head spins
A heavy feeling weighs in my heart
A cloud of sorrow storms above my head
Raindrops start to fall

The dark clouds hide the tears
That stream down my cheeks
The boom of thunder covers the cries
That burst within electric lightning

Inside of me
My heart starts to break
Yet it beats so fast
My lungs thinning
I search for air that might be within my grasp

I fall to the ground
My knees make a soft thud
My hands on the wet muck below

My clothes are drenched
My skin is clean
My eyes have wept

But still, I don't feel complete

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