How sad, how sad. | Teen Ink

How sad, how sad.

March 15, 2013
By EleenR. BRONZE, New York, New York
EleenR. BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't Know Me? Don't Judge Me

How sad, how sad.
Waking up every morning and asking myself "What will happen today? What victim is gonna die?"
How sad, how sad.
Walking to school and be an eye witness of bullying or discrimination.
How sad, how sad.
Seeing how teens like YOU and ME cry and get offended with the opinions of ignorance, the ignorance around us, the ignorance that beats and destroys our intelligence.
How D**n Sad!
Be treated like an "It" instead of a she or he just because on the outside everybody is different... This is sad, isn't it?
Trying to ignore what other people think about you and showing them that you don't care but deep inside you are just dying. Ashamed... All alone...
The saddest part is seeing that and doing nothing about it.
We don't choose who we are, or where we're from. So who are you to judge? Who are you to tell me that I can't do something just because I'm different?
Who are you?
What are you?

The author's comments:
I got inspired when I went on a trip with my classmates and saw the way some people looked at some of us because we come from another country and talk a different language with a different accent. I want people to see that everywhere we go, we are going to find somebody who's tradition is different from ours but that doesn't give us the right to judge them. They are just people with a tradition,language, and culture just like us.

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