Talkative Tombstones | Teen Ink

Talkative Tombstones

May 7, 2013
By abby95 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
abby95 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Talkative tombstones tell tall tales
The young ones don’t know what to say
As the old ones joke about maggots
“Died of consumption in 1902? Boring”
“Oh be quiet. You’re so old you’re not even readable!”
“Hey! New guy! How did yours bite the dust?”
They swap accomplishments of the deceased
Biggest disappointments
Funniest stories
A detailed description of how they died
One will ask another
“is yours rotted yet? I’m down to bones!”
While others complain about flowers blocking the view
Humans visit some of the tombstones
And they are left wondering if that person
Will be in the empty spot next to them
With a new tombstone
And new stories

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