What is Loneliness | Teen Ink

What is Loneliness

May 19, 2013
By johni_sweeney BRONZE, Cincinnai, Ohio
johni_sweeney BRONZE, Cincinnai, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is what you make it, so make it big!

Loneliness if the sight of dark, creeping up, until it consumes you whole, devouring you, inch-by-inch, making you insane. It is the sight of what could have been, but will never be. Burnt in your corneas forever, trying to erase, but won’t go away.

Loneliness is the longing to hear a lost one’s voice once more, never to hear it again. Whispering to yourself, trying to be them, but thinking you’re crazy. Am I Crazy? The sounds, the sounds of memories long lost, faintly there, so distant you can barely remember them right.

Loneliness is the long touch of a long lost love, back in the good times, when love filled the air, making the air sweet and a pleasure to breathe in, inhaling it, until it reaches the depths of your lungs. The touch burnt in your skin, ice cold on the spot. Dare not wash it off.

Loneliness is the taste of happiness no longer there. It is the taste of things eaten in years past, never again to be able to taste them again. Loneliness is the absence of taste, yet, everything so bitter, so bitter, it leaves an aftertaste that burns.

Loneliness is the smell of stale air, inflating your lungs with its cold, dusty must. Making you asthmatic, wheezing, wheezing for the fresh, fresh clean air. It burns your lungs, turning them to a diseased useless thing. Useless like me?

The thing about loneliness is that traps you, traps you into into a dirty, blood-stained glass dome, fogged up with the condensation of cold, salty tears. But, it seems like no matter how much you try to break it, it bounces back harder. But, when it does, the light from outside glimmers in your eyes, bright, brighter than the sun. Been so long. And even know it’s just a speck of light, it grows the plant of freedom inside, shooting out from your soul, empowering you. It then bursts the glass. Darkness no more.

The author's comments:
We were reading a book in English class about loneliness.

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