Black Glasses | Teen Ink

Black Glasses

June 10, 2013
By BowtieTori BRONZE, North Plainfield, New Jersey
BowtieTori BRONZE, North Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am the Master of my fate; I am the Captain of my soul

Put my iconic glasses on
And you would see the truth is born

And and as clear as day, you see the blood red sky
The bird is dead because he tried to fly
Through my black glasses
You see the river run black, I'm drowning
The people you love, they're frowning
Through my black glasses

So don't ask why I'm this way
The heavy debt of this life, I'm forced to pay

And as clear as day, you see brothers fight
As one survive, their mothers cry
Though my black glasses
You see my pain being displayed, surrounded by laugher
But they don't that this pain is to help me get to what I'm after
Though my black glasses

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