This is Poetry | Teen Ink

This is Poetry

September 3, 2013
By ThisGirl2716 SILVER, McDonough, Georgia
ThisGirl2716 SILVER, McDonough, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life. . .living in a world of endless possibilities.
Express who you are with no apologies.
Say the words that your brain and your heart fight over.
Do whatever you want with careless ease.

Poetry is love.
Tell me how much you love this.
Let me into your world, your life, your love
Show me how you feel, how you think.

Poetry is peace, and love.
Joy, and happiness.
Pain, and struggle.
Poetry is feeling and saying and doing whatever while knowing that it's right.
This is poetry.

The author's comments:
I was applying for a scholarship. The website asked fpr applicants to write a poem about what poetry meant to them; what do you think of poetry? In that moment, everything i thought of pooed into my mind and i couldn't just decide on one thing. So, I wrote about everything i think of when i write poetry.

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