I Guess I'll Try To Catch Your Eye | Teen Ink

I Guess I'll Try To Catch Your Eye

October 12, 2013
By shianajoe BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
shianajoe BRONZE, Windsor, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

None of my poems ever rhyme it took me quite a while to catch it
So I decided today I'd take some time to just rhyme that's it no other objectives
See rake rhymes with lake
And lake rhymes with cake
Are you even paying attention?
I'm not very good at this
That should be obvious but ill just continue for instance
If lake rhymes with cake
and cake rhymes with take why don't we give in perspective
There no point in being greedy lets give to the needy and All be as one instead of separate
This world is a canvas
The children are paint
And we are the brushes that lead them
If one stands for something we all stand for something we can't let these stereotypes deplete them

I hope this rhyme that took no type could possibly grasp your attention
I said I'd try to catch your eye but I know I did more so before you ignore , spread love and hope like an infection
And in due time they shall realize the youth is the only protection

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