Missing | Teen Ink


January 13, 2014
By arw15 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
arw15 BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gone. Vanished without a trace.

No leads, cold case.

Ache of the unknown, gnawing away.

Keeps them awake, while they wonder.

A baby, asleep in a crib.

A drunken mother, who denies that she did anything.

“It’s hard sometimes...not to stare..” she says,

When her eye catches an infant

But their hope isn’t gone

“We still believe we’ll bring her home.

We’re not giving up.”

Lisa Irwin, reported missing October fourth, 2011

A little boy, seen in a hallway.

A stepmother denies she did anything.

He’s not the same child anymore…

Lonely hearts, pawing over old clothes their lost one can’t wear

Waiting for answers with no end in sight

“My heart is with him all the time,” his father says,

“I wonder what he’s like now.”

Kyron Horman, reported missing June fourth, 2010

The author's comments:
This was a "found" poem assignment in my creative writing class.

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