Planet Earth | Teen Ink

Planet Earth

March 10, 2014
By Carolyn Fugit BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Carolyn Fugit BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhere in the infinite universe,
Sits a planet.
From a distant view,
All looks tranquil.
Zoom in,
And you will find
So much more
Than meets the eye.

The Serengeti Plains.
Lurking in the sparse grass,
Is a predator.
Shy, yet faster than the speed of sound.
It launches itself at an unsuspecting creature.

The Green Mountains.
In the dense, foresty area,
Hides a large, lumbering creature.
Huge antlers,
Thick hide.
It stands peacefully by the lake.

The Kalahari Desert.
The short, wiry grass
And dry, scorching terrain
Is home to a creature
That only stands a foot tall.
It digs complex underground tunnels,
And is standing on surveillance.

The Great Barrier Reef.
Home to one of natures
Most feared creatures.
And vicious,
This animal prowls around
Looking for a bite to eat.

Not one thing
Is alike in this world.
Whether it be
Or Great White Shark,
They are all part of
This strange planet,
Called Earth.

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