At The Wall | Teen Ink

At The Wall

March 17, 2014
By KatieSS BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
KatieSS BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Left at the wall there are,
Pictures of what once was,
Letters never to be read,
Food that was loved, never to be eaten.
Stuffed bears, old and new.

Left at the wall there are,
Combat boots, used and worn,
Dog tags with faded names,
Medals that shine bright in the afternoon sun,
Flags folded into precise triangles,

Left at the wall there are,
Mother’s hearts,
Father’s tears,
Finial goodbyes that never got to be said,
A constant reminded he lived and others died.

It stands as a reminder to all those lost,
When really it is a reminder of,
Pain and loss,
Sorrow and unanswered questions,
And life too soon taken.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem based on the Vietnam war and memorial which can be found in D.C. There are many lose due to this war and many who are still listed as missing in action that will never be found. This poem, while simple, is something for all those who fought in the Vietnam war.

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