Buried | Teen Ink


March 16, 2014
By Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The snow falls and hides the undeserving world
Under its frosty blanket that peculiarly provides us warmth
The secrets and lies and judgments and discriminations
All turn the same blinding white color

Our eyes are opened and we awaken from our sleep
Buried in our own awful arrogance
And reality undesirably caves in around us
We step outside and the soft breeze stings
Awakening our senses to a new life
One color, one nation, one world, one people
Together beneath the frozen sun
We really aren’t so different from each other
With the snowfall flurrying into our still hearts

The author's comments:
Snow doesn't discriminate.

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