Love Is.. | Teen Ink

Love Is..

April 22, 2014
By j_smith SILVER, Cary, North Carolina
j_smith SILVER, Cary, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
" If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you gotta wake up and pay attention."

Love is like a parent, when it’s there you hate it but when it leaves you yearn for it.
Love is like a knife. You can use it as a helpful tool, or it can stab you in the back later.
Love is like money. It makes you act like a fool when it’s with you, but when you don’t have it your “broke”
Love is like the earth, it’s always there, but we take it for granite.
Love is like a kid, it demands attention until you submit to its craziness.
Love is like a paper clip. It holds you together until you grow up enough to live without it.
Love is like an arm cast. It gets sweaty, stinky, and itchy. But when you take down your anti-love wall, your broken arm gets relief.
Love is like a flower.

The author's comments:
This poem is about love.. So read it carefully and analyze legitimately...

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