I Wasn't Ready | Teen Ink

I Wasn't Ready

April 18, 2014
By TCamp BRONZE, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
TCamp BRONZE, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason."

Why are you yelling?
Don’t you know that no one can hear you?
No one is coming for us , we’re trapped
Stuck here forever with nothing but the air and our thoughts
All the things that I will never get a chance to do, the people I will never get to meet
I have yet to learn what it means to live
Yes I am alive but I have not lived
I have not found the reason to my very existence
Never gonna have the to my family again or have the chance to start my own
This place will be my final destination and I am still in denial
Why me? why did this have to me? why here and now?
Yes I now everything happens for a reason but I refuse to accept it this time
All my thoughts running through my head
Stacking on top of each other like building blocks
I wanna scream but there’s no point
So I will just sit here and wait
Until my body decides that it’s time to put everything to rest

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