Obituary For A Fat Wallet | Teen Ink

Obituary For A Fat Wallet

May 23, 2014
By Willie Westmoreland BRONZE, Arlington Hts., Illinois
Willie Westmoreland BRONZE, Arlington Hts., Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a long dragged out fight
He kept on fighting back when his owner Willie would work on the weekends
He kept on gaining and losing weight
After his birthday in March and Christmas he was doing well
But Willie’s friends kept on insisting on going to the movies and out to dinner

He was a good wallet black, bi-fold, filled with bills
After he started getting thin his owner started to use his debit card
That only lasted a month,
His owner’s obsession with going out on the weekends and his fear of missing out
Slowly dimmed and diminished the wallet into his empty self

The wallet would have been full again, however his owner just got laid off of his job
His owner was also far too picky with what job he may take
It looks like Willie has done whatever he has to make his wallet full again
Willie has even tried to break his bank
His owner is going off to college next year

When his owner is at college the gorgeous fat wallet will be missed
His owner was going to prepare this summer for the trip to college
But now it seems his owner probably won’t see him for many years to come
It will be a long next few years without Willies favorite companion
One things for sure Willie and his friends will miss the beautiful black wallet.

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