Truths of Being A Girl | Teen Ink

Truths of Being A Girl

June 19, 2014
By Ikoon BRONZE, Langley, Other
Ikoon BRONZE, Langley, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am only a girl.
Composed of flaws, imperfections, and mistakes;
at times weak and confused, but never permanently bruised.
The lies hidden under the pride are only portions of pain in disguise.
As for the truth of not being a dude, I have no comments.
Examples of history might prove us inferior,
but only the inferior believes that.
It’s time for us to regard ourselves as nouns, not merely an adjective.
A need, and not a want.
A necessity as opposed to an accessory.
But most importantly, as members in a free society.
We live on, because we have proven ourselves strong; and
these battle scars that you see?
Are only a part of the me I used to be.
Who says that the Earth is flat, and if we were to venture out; we’d fall.
I have dreams and ambitions, too
and I will fight until I prove what I can do.
Building realities from scratch, but never being satisfied with simply that.
The inequalities of now and the past, are about to witness a brand new era,
a time that puts aside the differences of ourselves and creates compassion within us all.
Imagine a world free of a preconceived idea of being a girl meant;
only that definition is unaware of its contents.
Tell me, how do those that don’t see it sleep with a guilt-free conscience
If we re-winded events of history, will the story still be the same;
or will we have Presidents and Prime Ministers under an alternate name?
No law can change us, its we who have to change us;
but I am only a girl…
with flaws, imperfections, and mistakes.
I have learned that its okay, because being a person
trapped inside a woman’s body is all I’ve ever wanted to be;
and all I’ve ever hoped of becoming is within the power of me

The author's comments:
Inspired by the tragedy of child brides across Yemen.

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