Silhouettes | Teen Ink


June 20, 2014
By Kevin Railsback BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Kevin Railsback BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I ran, mist rose from shallow oceans.
Toads stood still in the wake of my flashlight and
Grass swayed in subtle winds as
Dew drops fell from each blade,
Like a tear off a new parent’s cheek.

My mother, at home, wrung her hands
As if she were in a hospital waiting room.
A long time gone in the dead of night made her worry.
But I was young and the chirp of crickets
Gave me inexplicable ecstasy.

Pairs of lights rushed towards me on paved suburban roads
Like little round mirrors reflecting the lights of Manhattan.
Silhouettes arose from my imagination,
Dancing in the night beside a bonfire’s illuminating glow,

At a moment when I stood like a mountain,
Your somewhat sweating hand clutched mine
And I rose to look at your dark stubble
On a rugged chin and
It felt as if life had stopped to appreciate this moment.

Cold wind chilled my body, and your warm
Skin wrapped around me in a bundle of
Flesh and nylon. I felt like a god in
This glorious moment of youth and pleasure.

My time with the humanized form of my wants ended and
The play of silhouettes stopped performing in my mind.
I continued running,my legs in pain,
And you just a daydream.

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