The Noise In the Night | Teen Ink

The Noise In the Night

August 20, 2014
By IanKabra BRONZE, Fort Lee, New Jersey
IanKabra BRONZE, Fort Lee, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Been there, done that.

The white, full moon comes into view,

The owls hoot and a creature begins to coo.

The children wonder all night,

About what makes this noise in such bright light.

One brave child decides to find out,

And disappears into a forest of doubt.


Another child wanders into the woods and

What is left of her are just strands,

Of dark, black, and shiny hair,

Remnants of a double dare.

A clue to the night fright hiding in the dark,

Preying on the innocents in the park.


"This horror has a dwelling!" one child declares.

"We must eliminate this terror!" another swears.

Together they march to a deep and dark cave,

To return the monster to its grave.

All they find are a bunch of bones-

Evil’s whereabouts still unknown.

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