I Am Alive | Teen Ink

I Am Alive

October 10, 2014
By mylastmelody BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
mylastmelody BRONZE, Round Rock, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This world is a burning furnace
Pulling in victims to the depths of its hell
We go there and back
We experience the pain of life
I feel the hurt, I feel the sting
I am alive

People in this red hot inferno
Fall to the misery
Losing hope in all things good
They pound you down, they pound me down
We feel the ache and agony
I am alive

The soreness caused by this torment
Picking at your will
Beating on the last hand keeping you dangling off the cliff
The fear of the fall begins to settle in
But it's not time to give up
I am alive

The rebellion starts
The strong break free
And escape Hades grip
There are no worries of getting dragged back in
The ability to fight still exists
I am alive

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