All Things Happen For a Reason, Right? | Teen Ink

All Things Happen For a Reason, Right?

October 8, 2014
By lilfawngirl BRONZE, Holt, Michigan
lilfawngirl BRONZE, Holt, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I screamed and called out
But no one seemed to hear
I was a child
Filled with fear

12 years old
There was a gun to my head
Where was my mom?
Do you think she'd believe me when I told her
The terrible thing Daddy did?

It's been many years
And I still live with him, my father
I want to scream and make him leave
But I don't even bother
It was so much pain I had suppressed
Why tear out the stitches?
I tell him that I love him
And I think I really mean it
He said what he did was out of love and fear
But it didn't seem to me
Like he was scared to shoot his daughter

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