Why Things Happen | Teen Ink

Why Things Happen

October 19, 2014
By all_personal SILVER, Springfield, Missouri
all_personal SILVER, Springfield, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why Things Happen
Wondering, pondering, over why this certain experience happened.
How it happened, not understanding how you could let it.
Yet it is not up to you. Sadly you don’t get a say.

That awful breakup you went through last year,
Helped in more ways than you might realize right now.
It made you stronger, and allowed you to learn from it.
Now when you look back, don’t you see how different thing were?
Getting past it was hard, but worth it since life is better in ways.
Sometimes things aren’t as they seem.

How, what, when is screamed at you when you open up about something.
Any and all details provided are eaten up, letting you know
People will be there along the way for you to lean on.
Pushing past the bad to see the good is substantial.
Everyone goes through rough times, don’t worry you’re not alone.
No one ever is really, even if it feels like it.
“Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.”
- Buddha

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