In the Footsteps of Lions | Teen Ink

In the Footsteps of Lions

October 23, 2014
By Alpex SILVER, Eldora, Iowa
Alpex SILVER, Eldora, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walked in halls of palaces,
The homes of distant kings
I stood at the steps of their tombs,
Stretching, boundless
into the sky.

I walked the plains of war,
Fought by simple men
Their tombs in simple rows,
Fields of the dead,
Forever left behind.

To the edge of the earth,
From the ends of the sky,
I walk.
I stand.
I watch.

It was in the mountains,
Snowbound and rugged
That I walked.
That I stood.
That I watched.

In the distance, nothing.
Nearby, nothing.
White and perfect, jagged and calm
Behind me, the footprints
That I had once walked.
In front, the footprints
I would follow.

For in this earthly realm,
White and endless,
No closer could one
Come to the realm of gods,
Than in the footsteps of lions.

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