I've Learned | Teen Ink

I've Learned

October 21, 2014
By Sycophanta BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
Sycophanta BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve learned

that people are deceiving  

allowing you to trust them  
but then ramming   
a cold. harsh. sharp    
spike of reality    
in your back    

I’ve learned    
sometimes there’s no one there 
some fall into depths   
where only the dispersed   
vibrations can echo 
into their region of assistance 

I’ve learned      
to fall…      
because when you fall
there can be someone    
to catch you

I’ve learned
someone is there
to be true
to you
to help you breathe
to patch your wounds
and to get back on your feet

I’ve learned
wounds can be patched
you can heal
whether it be on your own
or with the assistance
of another

I’ve learned
the world is cruel…
but it’s also beautiful.

The author's comments:

Usually when I get depressed I don't go to someone about it. I usually just listen to music or watch funny Youtubers.

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