A Childhood Memory | Teen Ink

A Childhood Memory

December 9, 2014
By Sydney Jenkins BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Sydney Jenkins BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her long blonde curls clung to her blue satin dress
The shine of her patent leather shoes glistened from across the room
Not a sound was made
I rushed over to her display, everything around me
Faded to black as I reached for her delicately packaged wrapping
On my tiptoes, I extended my small fragile arms
To grasp the perfect packaging of satin, frills, and curls
Squeezing her to my small body, I totter around
A glistening grin of pearly white baby teeth
Within a matter of minutes we’re out of the store
My small hand clutching my father’s
Just a delicate child in a joyous bliss

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