Birdwing Butterfly | Teen Ink

Birdwing Butterfly

December 4, 2014
By 5ryczek BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5ryczek BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I float
the air
like a leaf in the wind looking for the next flower to drink the sweet nectar from.
People gaze at my beauty when I land in their garden. As I show off my wings, someone comes
up behind. Suddenly I'm trapped in a net. I am confused. I bring beauty. Why would someone do such a thing? The next thing I remember is being put into a cage.  Looking around, I’m surrounded by netting--no flowers, no sunshine, and no fresh air. I tried to
escape, but there was no way out.  All day, I clung to the
side of the netting.  One day I am let go and
I float
the air

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