Hold On To Me Sally | Teen Ink

Hold On To Me Sally

December 14, 2014
By Xandra1998 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
Xandra1998 BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hold on to me Sally, not much further to go
I hear them tears but I let them lie
Miles to go, yet don’t know which way’s home
I’ll never get used to hearing you cry

Hold on to me Sally, we can get through
The sky is falling, the stars oh so bright
We’ll get somewhere warm, I can promise you this
Just don’t let go, Sally, hold on tight

Hold on to me Sally, the road’s straight and narrow
Hold on to me tight
We can be there by sunset, if we just keep on going
We’ll make it alright

Hold on to me Sally, not long now
They promised us skies as blue as the depths of the sea
They promised us rolling hills
They promised we’d be free

Hold on to me Sally, it’s too late to turn back
I don’t know how long we’ve been hoping
For some miracle to happen
But I can see you’re barely coping

Hold on to me Sally, we need to keep going
You taught me to take the good with the bad
You can’t have a rainbow without a little bit of rain
But this ridiculous journey is only making me mad

Hold on to me Sally, we’re almost there
I can see it, my darling I can taste it
Our life will be better, I promise
Just a little longer, come we can make it

Hold on to me Sally, you’re growing tired
Your eyes are heavy and sleep threatens to take you
You’re looking sickly, Sally, stay with me now
Bring back those big blue eyes so honest and true.

Hold on to me Sally, like you did that perfect day
The day when you promised to be mine forever
I prayed you wouldn’t ever leave me
And you kissed my face and whispered “Never”

Hold on to me Sally, we can get there I promise
It just seems so far away, I know
Just rest for now, get better okay
I’ll put you by the fire with its warm orange glow


Hold on to me Sally, it hurts you to walk
Stay with me honey, you need to rest
Take a breath and recover your strength
Lord knows, you’ll need it for whatever challenge comes next

“John”, you whisper so soft
“What is it my darling? What can I do to help you?”
“I’m not going to make it.”
You look up at me with eyes so impossibly blue

Hold on to me Sally, just a little longer
I’ll tell you a story
It’s about a young woman who fell in love with a man
A man without any glory

Hold on to me Sally, he whispered one night
As they counted each star
And made a thousand promises
As she sang oh so softly while he strummed his guitar

Hold on to me Sally, you promised you would
I’ve never been all that tough
My darling, I’ll love you forever
Why isn’t that ever enough?

Hold on to me, Sally I’ll never let go of you
I love you, you say so exact and so brief
I bury my head in my hands
Time is a thief

Hold on to me Sally, I need you to save me
No one else can
Our life should have been better, my darling
I had envisioned such a grand plan

Save me Sally, only you can
Save me from the world, oh so cruel
The world we tried, but couldn’t really ever escape from
My darling, I was a fool

Hold on to me Sally, not much further to go
Sing that sweet tune, of that princess of Rome
Hold on to me, honey
I will forever carry you home.

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