Today is the day | Teen Ink

Today is the day

March 19, 2015
By Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
Sec1218 PLATINUM, Neenah, Wisconsin
35 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day of today
is the day
that dawns on
my day
not my birthday
just my day
in general
in case you
didn't know
everyone has a day
whether they like that
or not
it is the day
that they have chosen
to have the best day
they could have out
of all the
in the whole list of days
they chose that day
out of 364 other days
and it is their day
to shine
for that day
they are in control of everything
and today is my day
today is the day that has chosen me
l have not chosen this day
this day has chosen me
and you know what?
l like the day
that has chosen me

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