always | Teen Ink


April 2, 2015
By BeckyC713 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
BeckyC713 BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i love you because

cover up

hides dark circles under my eyes

and because

only coffee can awaken me

from my sleep-drunken slump

left over from another sleepless night

because the scent of cologne is so captivating

that it makes my body numb at the thought

and because the night

is just the beginning

to the days that never end

and because

warm arms

fold around a cold heart

and make pitiful scandals

seem beautiful

from beyond the sidelines

of a field of flowers

growing in the countryside

and because leaves

and bugs

and lives

are forever

constantly changing

and scars heal over time.

i love you because

ive never been able to love myself

yet you could

and words are not able to express

the amount of fear

chaining down my thoughts

and encasing my mind

when all i want to do

is scream at the top of my lungs

because my mind is forever consumed

in the thought of your eyes

and your slurred voice

whispering in my ear

and luring me to sleep

because im afraid of the dark

and of looking through a mirror

to see through to the other side

of a love song gone wrong

and another sleepless night

without you by my side

and i love you because

without you

im not enough

and words

are not enough

to tell you

that i am unconditionally


and always

in love


The author's comments:

When I first read Nikki Giovanni’s, “Resignation,” I absolutely fell in love with the poem. I thought it was so painfully beautiful that someone could find a way to word how everything that she did in her life was because she was just so in love, that the only way she could describe being in love was to define her love as being her reason for everything she does.

And I feel as though that’s what love actually is: everything that you do and everything that you are is because of and for that person that you love. They suddenly become your reason for waking up in the morning and for breathing and for those long, sleepless nights that brought bags under your eyes that can only can be hidden with layers and layers of cover up. No matter what it is, you find them in every aspect of your life, whether it’s your morning coffee or the smell of cologne. And I thought that was so beautiful and true, that it became the inspiration for my poem.

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