The Forgotten Ranger | Teen Ink

The Forgotten Ranger

May 13, 2015
By stereomaze3 BRONZE, Spring, Texas
stereomaze3 BRONZE, Spring, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

A little pink Power Ranger in a field,
running, playing, fighting,
imaginary “bad guys” destroyed by my invincible mind.
Nothing for me to fear, no worries
just my pink suit and my freedom.

Growing too fast,
now a big pink Power Ranger.
Still running, still fighting,
yet different now.
Somehow she had changed, somehow I have changed.
I grow wiser yet more uncertain.
The pink ranger now hesitant, scared.
New feelings a carefree child never experienced.

My pink suit hanging in my closet,
unworn, for quite some time.
Hanging peacefully always there in case I need to come back.
Always there if I ever forget the feeling of never having to worry.

Faster still, years fly by.
I find my mind no longer wandering to a field,
fighting “bad guys” no longer a pastime for my busy teenage world.
Pink Power Rangers are abandoned, left for tomorrow’s children to dream about.
I am no longer invincible.

somewhere unknown,
a faded pink costume is folded neatly,
put away in some forgotten shelf,
for a “bad guy” to defeat.

The author's comments:

I always loved playing with power rangers when I was younger, even going so far as to be a pink power ranger for halloween. I felt powerful and awesome when I wore my suit so I decided I would write about how I felt when I wore it and the poem grew from there.

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