Mixed Emotions | Teen Ink

Mixed Emotions

July 7, 2015
By aglanceaway BRONZE, Lawton, Oklahoma
aglanceaway BRONZE, Lawton, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say to live life freely,

But I'm on a time limit.

Got so many warnings already,

Ticket after ticket.


I'm speeding down the free way of life,

Don't try to stop me.

It looks like I'm found but really

I'm lost inside of me.


It's pretty dark and scary.

It's gotten to me.

Don't trt to stop me.

It seems like I'm flying but really

I'm falling off the balcony.


Alone and shattered.

My emotions are scattered.

But it seems picture perfect describes

my description of what I'm going after.


And you expect this misconceived mind

To find its way home.

When this heart has jumped a cliff

Because it was again alone?


Falling deeper into dreams

That I'll fail at pursuing at.

Standing up for what I believe in

But end up getting laughed at.


Thinking love was the definition of

True happiness but instead,

I'm in a criss-cross war of confusion

Inside my head.


Defying myself and my own

Sense of gravity.

Taking in my own happiness

And just smile when they're mad at me. 


Oh well,

My heart is as cold as ice can be.

But what do expect me to feel if

There's already a crack left inside of me?

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