Shades in the rainbow that remind me of you | Teen Ink

Shades in the rainbow that remind me of you

July 14, 2015
By Jennxferr SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
Jennxferr SILVER, Santa Cruz, California
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Red was the color of my nails when we met, painted earlier that day. I left them on for as long as I could; you never let go of my hand when we were together.


Orange was the color of your shirt when we first kissed. I'm sorry for wrinkling it while gripping it between my fingers as our lips touched.


Yellow was the color of the flowers you brought me when I was having a bad day. I want to tell you I don't have them, but I don't want to lie. I haven't moved them from when I originally placed them on top of my desk.


Green was the color of your eyes. The sky had just the right shade of blue to make them sparkle the day you told me loved me. Green became my favorite color after that.


Blue was the color of your car that you used to run away. I only hugged you goodnight the day before, thinking we could talk the next day. Little did I know that you would leave without a trace, leaving that to be our goodbye.


Indigo was the color of the sky the day I found out you were gone. I spent the entire day alone in a field, getting lost in my scattered thoughts, trying to make sense of them while staring off into the sky.


Violet was the color of the necklace you sent me after you had left along with a letter telling me how you are. I'd be lying if I said I didn't still wear it to this day.

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