Dead Princess | Teen Ink

Dead Princess

September 10, 2015
By speedsk8r GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
speedsk8r GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.<br /> -Miss Piggy

I am a cardaverous Princess

I died waiting for my prince

Each day took another breath away

Anticipating a lover's interest


I am a sorrowful inmate

I cry tears of longing

Tears that turned to atramentous blood

Each drop and unbleachable stain


I am a bodiless prisoner

I enflicted my own pain

Hoping that there might be a way

To see my expected visitor


I am a dead princess

I died from a broken heart

Surprised I even had blood to bleed

Because he spilt it all. 

The author's comments:

Girls get this idea in their head that they are waiting for their prince to take them away to his castle where they will live happily ever after. This poem emphasizes the pain of never having that prince come around when you need him. 

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