Me and You | Teen Ink

Me and You

October 28, 2015
By ummmceline BRONZE, Miami, Florida
ummmceline BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Les temps sont durs pour les reveurs.

Me and you,

we’re like plastic bags in the wind,
two insignificant human beings
in a sea of over seven billion people.
You and me,
we were broken dreamers,
attempting to survive in
this twisted world.
Me and you,
we watched with sadness
as the world around us slowly wasted away
in meaningless indulgence.
You and me,
we vowed we would never succumb
to the dark temptations
that called to us every day.
Me and you,
we watched everyone slip into a dark abyss, and I
watched you slowly fall in as well,
turning into one of the monsters we feared.
You and me,
we were fragile creatures,
and it broke my heart as
I watched you walk away from me.
Me and you then became
just me.

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