Vertigo | Teen Ink


November 5, 2015
By Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
Caroline.16 GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Balancing on a tight rope.

Vibrations beneath the hardened soles of my toughened feet.

Using my arms as the balancing pole held by professionals.

Shadowing forms around the edges of my vision.

Circular motioned nothing in my sights.

More vibrations.

More shadowing.

This time with a greater intensity.

Bigger swirls in mid air and less feeling.

Numb feet, numb hands and blurry thoughts.

Cold fingers.

Eyes closed, deep breath.

Suddenly unbalanced.

A graceful step off of a thin wire.

More vibrations.

Sounds silenced

Mind muted.

Gone into unconciousness. 

The author's comments:

A poem about feeling the vertigo before fainting.

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