Adonis and Aphrodite--The Rose of Love | Teen Ink

Adonis and Aphrodite--The Rose of Love

December 2, 2015
By NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
NinaMarie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At first, I am powerful.
A goddess, born by the foam of the sea.
Casting spells of love on unfortunate men,
but lack of emotion is my immunity.
Desire and affection turns them into prisoners,
and my cold heart can’t set them free. 

At first, I am cursed.
A goddess, struck by Cupid’s arrow.
My eyes finally open to the world of emotion,
and Adonis, the hunter, is all I see.
A mortal so powerless, living down below,
but my heart flourishes so carefree.

At first, I am infatuated.
A goddess, learning how to love.
I bid good luck to my beloved as he ventures through the woods,
Adonis, my everything.
But soon comes the sound of a growl and his cry,
and my heart knows what it means.

At first, I am broken.
A goddess, feeling pain in unfamiliar ways.
On the ground lays his body next to tracks of a bear,
proof of doom in loving mortality.
I place a hand on his chest, my fingers stained red,
and my heart shatters into pieces.

At last, I am strong.
A goddess, healing from tragedy.
Blood drips from my finger onto the soil below,
and a rose sprouts from the drop that fell free.
I feel his love in the budding ruby flower,
and my heart heals from its endless beauty.

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