The Coliseum Shook | Teen Ink

The Coliseum Shook

November 30, 2015
By 6jones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6jones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The iron gates separated, exposing the great warrior.
He’s performed this ritual a thousand times.
The people’s legend.
His feet sank in the sand as he prepared.
The Coliseum shook.

The battle commenced.
Swords clanged, shields banged, men screamed.
The great warrior, so quick, as if a god himself.
His opponent, overwhelmed, outmatched, but capable.
The Coliseum shook.

His strength unmatched
In no time, the opposition’s shield lay on the sand,
he knew his job wasn’t completed yet.
A flurry of blows, rejected, the crowd erupted.
The Coliseum shook.

The great warrior wound up for a furious strike.
Suddenly, his body became numb, halting the attack.
He looked down to see the red stained sand
with a steel sword lodged in his abdomen.
The Coliseum fell silent.

The great warrior collapsed to his knees,
looking at the emperor for his fate.
A thumb goes up from the man with the crown.
He closes his eyes and prays to the gods,
as his world fell silent.

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