Creating the Pyramid of Giza | Teen Ink

Creating the Pyramid of Giza

November 30, 2015
By warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawks11 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagination. . .
The idea was harder than a 30 foot putt
The Egyptians wanted to bring originality to their kind

Unity. . .
When working drew out the weakness, they needed each other
Systems they built, to transfer 5 million blocks of limestone

Hardship. . .
Egyptians authenticating their grit became an everyday matter
Limited water and source of food, the days got long, their bodies got weak, but they never gave up

Perseverance. . .
Emotions moved the last block to the top
23 years later, a mindful masterpiece concluded

Selfless. . .
Their pharaohs and queens tombs, will be buried in the pyramid now
Respect queens earned, was returned by the people who accompanied the making of the pyramid
Extraordinary. . .
The pyramid admired as a 7 wonder
What a dynamic desire Egyptians provided to the world

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