Proud | Teen Ink


December 1, 2015
By JordanJknabenbauer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JordanJknabenbauer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Atop a hill stood the god Atum who spoke creation into being through the creation of Ptah
Atum mating with his shadow to create Shu and Tefnut who give birth to the world and the other gods
Creations made out of Gold and Bronze, precision and beauty.
Shiny priceless metals decorated uniquely for our Pharaoh.  

Highly prized plants in the garden causes jaws to drop.
Teaching adolescents to sustain themselves in water.
       Ginormous stones moved to help the cause.  
Mud Bricks hardening outside, future furniture.

Hot sweaty linen stuck to my skin.
Breaking bones honoring our gods.
20 years past, gone so fast.
The life I choose to live, perfection.

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