Now (Dramatic Pome | Teen Ink

Now (Dramatic Pome

December 17, 2015
By n3v34m1nd GOLD, Olathe, Kansas
n3v34m1nd GOLD, Olathe, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He doesn’t even know that his time is now.
He isn’t even fazed when I tell him.
“It’s time.”
But his head slowly turns to me.
The fire that was once in his eyes
Is gone, replaced with sadness and guilt.

It was all I had ever dreamed of.
Catching the King’s Thief.
Catching him is what made me dedicated to my work.
Now I’m not sure what I’ll do.

As we walk over to the gate,
He relives his stress with a small sigh.
The feeling of sympathy surprises me.
At first,
I was over the moon,
Ecstatic to the point of tears that threatened my cheeks.
Now, I’m hopelessly floating in space.
Having no destination.
No control.
No air.
No life.

So it was, as he stands on the barrel,
That my legs shake.
So it was, as the barrel is knocked from underneath him,
That my throat itched.

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