The Crazy Clown | Teen Ink

The Crazy Clown

December 22, 2015
By bumblebee107 BRONZE, Haskell, New Jersey
bumblebee107 BRONZE, Haskell, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a crazy clown named Ghost
He always talked about himself to boast
Shards of glass all around his face
His neck was cut near his lace
His wig was falling down
As his world came to be a ghost town
He usually mocked the weak
Even when all they did was freak
Funny was the only thing he thought he had
When he was also good at fixing the bad
He honks his nose with a huge grin
As he notices that everyone sees it as a sin
Ghost held hard his old acting cane
This had blood and scratches from all the pain
He didn’t want to die from the evil killers
He felt this is what he would see in the thrillers
People around him joked that he was Pennywise from the movie “It”
Since he kept killing after he became fit
His laugh became creepy and evil
Just like the awful scary clowns during medieval
His mind started thinking of finishing the job
His body wanted to only rob
His teeth and tongue wanted some blood
Luckily around him was all of his new “buds”
He turned on everyone as he got them alone
Sucking their blood making it his own
The rest started to turn on him after they heard
But they were no match for him which he preferred
Just five more left he needed to get
He showed them his cane as just a threat
The voices in his head became bigger and louder
Even when he puts on more face powder
Now only two left since the rest is dead
He kills one of them with an axe head
He wants the last one so much
That he tackled him just to feel the touch
Ghost bites him so deep, long, and far
The blood shoots everywhere around him like a star
So that is Ghost the evil clown
Who fought for his life by striking the living down

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