Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

February 9, 2016
By pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
pianojammin98 PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the tan house with snow-white hydrangeas spilling onto the sidewalk.
from the heavenly aroma of Dad making waffles on a Saturday morning
and baking blue ribbon chocolate chip cookies with Mom on a rainy day.

I am from the farm
from the day we adopted two black and white tuxedo kittens
and their high-pitched meows and silky, soft, fur.

I am from summers spent running on trails in the woods...so  e x h a u s t i n g …“n e e d   w a t e r”
from my first cross country season with Saturday morning meets -- “Cash Out!”
and tearing open a box of bright, new, running shoes; smiling at the thought of wearing them.

I am from our shiny black piano
from practicing until my hands ache so I can slay my song
and sound like Mozart at the recital.

I am from Hayward’s glistening, clear, ice-cold Spring Lake
from sweaty July twilight nights, trolling for bass with Dad on the rented pontoon
and frantically reeling in a monster northern pike, that broke the line. “So close!” 

I am from the first time traveling to New York City from the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway,
and the open top bus tour with the sassy guide on the loudspeaker,
and putting on the miles browsing Fifth Avenue, Times Square and Chinatown for spectacular deals.

I am from September 4th, 2014 in ninth hour study hall when the cute boy talked to me
from our first date to our first homecoming to our one and a half year relationship.
I am from love, family, food and friends.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem in creative writing. It's about major events in my life. 

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